Resilience is the ability to adapt well to any challenges and stressors you may face in life. The more resilient you are, the more you will feel able to “bounce back” from difficult experiences.
Endurance athletes can be impacted by setbacks in a number of ways. Injury, cancelled events under performing to name just a few. Being able to deal with the challenges that get thrown up play a significant role in achieving your goals whether you’re an elite Ironman athlete or a first time Kathmandu Coast to Coast competitor.
Vince Lombardi once described resilience as“Not Whether You Get Knocked Down, It’s Whether You Get Up.”
Here are a few simple tips that help build your resilience…
1. Know what you can control
Don’t confuse what you can control with what you can’t control. Some things are out of your hands – and it’s usually obvious what they are – so it pays to focus on what you can actually do to help a challenging situation you may be in.
2. Make connections
Having supportive friends or family can help during hard times. They can offer emotional and practical support. Having someone you trust to talk to can really help.
3. Be in the moment
Being mindful or in the present moment helps keep your mind focussed. Ruminating over the past or worrying about things in the future can be exhausting and unhelpful.
4. Embrace failure
Sometimes the greatest lessons in life are learned through failure or things not going your way. If you make a mistake, turn it into a positive and learn something from it. And don’t be too hard on yourself – everybody makes mistakes.
5. Accept change
Life is fluid and changing all the time. Some changes are bigger than others or completely unexpected. Accepting change and being adaptable is an important part of being resilient.
6. Be grateful
Sometimes it’s easy to lose sight of the big picture. Don’t focus on what you don’t have. Think about all the things you do have and that you perhaps take for granted. Writing down the things you’re grateful for can help you see the big picture.
7. Look after yourself
When you’re under pressure or stressed out it’s critical that you don’t forget about your own needs. Remember to eat healthy food, exercise and get enough rest. If you look after yourself, you will feel more prepared to face adversity.
8. Be optimistic
It’s important to keep a positive outlook during challenging times. Having hope and a belief that things will be OK can help you get through setbacks and challenges.